Sunday, June 6, 2010

Things I miss about the US



  1. Ditto. Though, I've kind of had fun learning to do laundry in a bucket in my bathroom. And things dry on a line in about 30 minutes here. I have a love-hate relationship with laundry in a bucket. It's a good experience, I guess!

  2. What about the amazing Stanley Cup Finals going on right now, eh?? Beloved city Chicago is up 3-2, back to Philly for Game 6. This is maybe a little better to miss from the States than laundry. Just sayin.

    Hope all else (besides laundry) is well in your world, Van Halen. -AT

  3. oh. so true. there will be a big post if philly forces a game seven. let. me. tell. you. i have listened to every game. from panama. whatever. i have ten weeks here. i get to keep my hockey.
